
Developing Government Institutions and Serving Civil Society



Program Description
The project emphasizes partnerships with governmental and non-governmental institutions, focusing on involving all sectors to develop plans based on analytical data related to the challenges facing Baghdad city.


Target Audience

1) Training teachers and educators in the Directorate of Education and academic institutions affiliated with other ministries.
2) Training staff in the Ministry of Interior and other governmental institutions.
3) Students with special needs in their respective educational institutions.


Project Objectives

1) Embedding Goal 17 of the Sustainable Development Goals into the university's work and achieving the objectives of Goal 4.
2) Enhancing the university's role in developing the expertise of government institutions and providing service to the community.
3) This project contributes to meeting the criteria for the Times Higher Education ranking.
4) Promoting a culture of human rights and duties in divine religions and the constitution, correcting misconceptions about freedom.
5) Developing educational staff in the Directorate of Education in teaching methods, scientific research writing, solving educational problems, and providing academic advice.
6) Cooperating and exchanging experiences with reputable international and local organizations registered with the United Nations, especially since some organizations offer training courses and workshops at a professional global academic level in various fields.